Historische Baustoffe Antikholz
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Russian Alder

the exquisite alder wood for extraordinary projects

the perfect wall cladding for a warm ambiance


ResAnDes is a reliable and quality-conscious supplier of Russian Alder wood.

As a special and high-quality highlight of our comprehensive range, we offer you the exquisite wood of Russian Alder. This unique wood is over 250 years old. ResAnDes provides this alder wood to you upon request, newly processed and sanded.


If we have piqued your interest, please request our price lists in PDF format!


Our offer

Wood species: Russian Alder 
Colors:Brown and gray tones
Thicknesses: 2,5 cm
Widths: bis 42,0 cm
Lengths: bis 3,5 m 

Russian Alder wood in its original condition and sanded and oiled

Unusual furniture pieces made from Russian Alder wood

A beautiful wardrobe made from Russian Alder wood for individual use.

This unique piece of furniture was crafted by a carpenter from Donauwörth.

Purchase of Russian Alder wood

We are constantly interested in purchasing old Russian Alder wood! If you have old Russian Alder wood for sale, please feel free to send us an offer.

Simply use our form for the purchase of historical building materials to submit your offer.

We look forward to hearing from you!