Historische Baustoffe Antikholz
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Brownstone tubs

for versatile use in your construction project


Sandstone trough

Lengths:50-400 cm

We offer a great variety of brownstone tubs and fountain basins.


Brownstone slabs

Size:40 x 40 cm bis 60 x 60 cm
Thickness:8-10 cm
Weight:1500 kg
Sufficient for:8-9 m² per palette

Brownstone bricks

Size:upon request

You will find a wide selection of rustic sandstone bricks with us, offering a unique Mediterranean flair.


Have we piqued your interest? Then request our price lists PDF now!


Old brownstone slabs for your individual terrace design.


The images show the foyer of the Rolf-Hoppe-Theater in Dresden-Weißig.


Diverse sandstone troughs as design elements in the garden

Purchase of old brownstone tubs


We are constantly interested in purchasing brownstone tubs, brownstone slabs, and brownstone bricks! If you have historic sandstone building materials for sale, please feel free to send us an offer.

Simply use our form for the purchase of historical building materials to submit your offer.

We look forward to hearing from you!